Our Flag, Faith and Patriotism
have all been hijacked.
It's time to take them back.
For too long, a small, vocal group of extremists have defined what it means to be a patriot. If we don’t vote with them, pray with them, or if we merely disagree with them they tell us that we hate America, hate religion, hate God, hate democracy, hate our troops and hate freedom. But the reality is that true American patriots don’t hate. True Patriots welcome differences of opinion, respect the right to worship or not, actually understand how democracy works, serve proudly in our military no matter who they love, and hold freedom for ourselves and all people as our most cherished American value. That is why it’s time, as good citizens of a great democracy, to take our patriotism back and define for ourselves what it means to love America. There is no higher calling for this campaign.
The signs you see on this website are intended as a tool to help us all publicly reclaim our love of country. By expressing fundamental American values and principles that have been the civic bedrock of this country since its inception, this campaign empowers us all to make a full display of America’s true character, one sign at a time.
So go ahead, choose one! Or better yet, choose them all! Then post them to your social media accounts. Share with your friends. Encourage your friends to do the same. Encourage everyone you know to join you in making it clear that true patriotism cannot be owned by any one party. The time has come for us all to stand up and let the world know what it means to truly love America.